Gaiam Foam Roller – Review | PhitZone

Gaiam Foam Roller – Review


Dig deep into those muscles.

Gaiam supplied us one foam roller to review. I have every intention to give this thing away to one of you lucky readers. Then again, I really enjoy using this thing…

Bottom line, a foam roller may be just what you’re needing to help loosen up those muscles after an intense workout.

There’s this connective tissue that holds your muscle and bone together called the myofascia system.

Sometimes this tissue can get stuck together, largely caused by a lack of use. This is called adhesion.

One way to break down adhesions is through sports massage.

Another option is self-myofascial release using a foam roller.

A professional massage is a great way to pamper yourself, although not be cost effective.

A foam roller, on the other hand, will cost less than the average thirty-minute session with a masseuse.

The general idea is to use your own body weight to lay on the stick of foam, and roll over a muscle area.

The only way that I can really describe it is a deep tissue Swedish massage. This is a wonderful way to treat yourself after a great training session.

There are a lot of rollers out there to choose from, but you can rest assured that Gaiam has a very quality piece of equipment for you.

As a bonus, Gaiam, the masters of exercise DVD’s have included Restore Total Body Foam Roller DVD to help guide you in properly using your roller.

This is one piece of equipment that is worth the price.

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2 Responses to “Gaiam Foam Roller – Review”

  1. Timmay says:

    What’s really impressed me with foam rollers is that even after I take some time off from the gym, the massage from the roller keeps me from getting sore.

  2. Yum Yucky says:

    My kid is a runner and so stubborn about keeping up with his rolling. That roller looks a helluva lot better than the one I bought at Walmart.

    Yum Yucky´s latest work of art [type] ..Greedy Recipe! Parsley Red Potatoes (It’s Tasty ‘n Stuff)

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